The Fullness of Human Experience by Dane Rudyhar 1895- 1985

“In the immeasurable cycle of the Movement of Wholeness, a moment of supreme experience comes when, at the ever-present "meeting of the ways," the greatest Lord of Darkness challenges the most radiant Presence of Light. From the deepest regions of obscurity, the python of negative emptiness rises to the light, uncoiling its devastating power. And the combat rages.

There can be no end to the crucial embrace, no limits to the battlefield. For, while in his supreme effort the Lord of Darkness finds his vision confused by his hateful desire to annihilate light, in the sublime love of the radiant Presence, even the deepest darkness is always included.

There is no annihilating victory. Light and Darkness are one in an encounter that has neither beginning nor end. For Darkness can never see, and Light never ceases to love. Meaning forever rises out of the ubiquitous battlefield of Space in the eonic experience that is reality — always.”

DANE RUDHYAR 1895 - 1985
The Epilogue: The Fullness of Human Experience 1986 Quest Books

Showing posts with label Tara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tara. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Prayer to "Tara the Seven Protectors"

White Tara by Geghen Zanabazar (1635-1723)
“The Mongolian Michelangelo”

A Prayer to "Tara the Seven Protectors"
by Lord Jigten Sumgon Gonpo

In the Realm of the Unborn Dharmadhatu
Abides the Blessed Mother Tara
She who bestows happiness on all sentient beings
I pray to you, protect us from all kinds of fears!

Not realizing oneself as Dharmakaya
The minds of sentient beings are possessed by negative emotions
These mother sentient beings wandering in Samsara
Oh Blessed Mother, please protect us!

Not having the deep understanding of the Dharma from within
And having followed the labelling of words on a conventional level
Beings who are deceived by wrong philosophical views and dogmas
Oh Perfect Mother, please protect us!

Difficult to realize is one's own mind
Some realize it but do not practice perfectly afterwards
Those who are lost in unwholesome worldly activities
Oh Blessed Mother, Embodiment of Perfect Mindfulness, please protect us!

The Absolute Reality of the Mind is the Inborn Non-Dual Buddha-wisdom
Yet because of habitual grasping at dualistic conceptions
One is bound by it no matter what one does
Oh Perfect Mother of Non-Dual Wisdom, please protect us!

Grasping at the conception of Emptiness some think they understand Absolute Reality
But they do not understand the interdependence of Cause and Effect of Phenomenal Reality
These beings are deluded with regards to the Reality of Phenomena
Oh Omniscient Mother, please protect us!

Like the nature of space which is beyond all conceptions
The Reality of all conditioned phenomena is no different from that
But it has not been realized, therefore
Oh Perfectly Enlightened Mother, please protect us beginners on the Path!

Once, when Lord Jigten Gonpo was staying at Echung Cave in Drikung, after having attained Enlightenment, he had a vision of the Seven Taras. At that time, he made the above supplication prayer through the seven verses. This prayer has manifold blessings and it is a widely used supplication prayer for the seven protections