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By Zdzislaw Zmijewski
Sep 20, 2005, 22:23
"As democracy in Iraq takes root, the enemies of freedom, the terrorists, will become more desperate, more despicable, and more vicious ...
"We can expect such atrocities to increase in the coming months because the enemy knows that its greatest defeat lies in the expression of free people in freely enacted laws and at the ballot box."- G.W. Bush Aug 28, 2005
Let us search for the enemy that he grandiloquently mongers before our unconscious and acquiescently negligent minds.
There must now be an earnest attempt at clarity and understanding by most human beings, because we all stand at the edge of the collapsing precipice overlooking a pit that is without bottom, terrible and terminal.
Only when we answer these questions can we wisely and accurately discriminate about the true distinguishable nature of "who is the enemy?"
Enemy (pl. ies) are persons, forces, groups, nations or things that deliver harm and destruction to someone or something by acts of commission or (we must not forget) omission.
Next, in the context of current world events, it must be precisely understood what forces and groups are the main antagonists - against what do they fight and what motivates this vicious, vibrant and seemingly infinite lust for death and destruction.
Only then, with an awakened, compassionate and adamantine consciousness, can we begin to disarm and eradicate the long entrenched, habitual lunacy ruling over nations and Western Civilization.
This discernment - with actions - must happen now~!
The true enemies are emboldened and empowered - even daily - by our numb unconsciousness, unbearable stupidity and silence.
The nexus of the present ultimate crisis - unavoidable and overwhelmingly stark - demands no less than choosing either - Death by valorous sacrifice - or - Death by craven surrender.
Tragically, at every turn in the road, the United States as a nation is going the wrong way. It's too late for reforms now, it is past the point of rectifications.
The avalanche has long ago begun its terrible descent and we must endure the irrevocable retributions for the spilled blood and agonies of countless innocents and justice betrayed.
9/11, Endless Wars and Katrina are just the foretastes for what is impending.
Is this why Bush I and Bush II have incarnated to hold the reins: to ensure that the terrors so long dished out, return to us for the wrongs we have done?
When rare leaders appear - JFK, Martin Luther King and valiant independents like Paul Wellstone - the Shadow strikes!
"The label full spectrum dominance implies that US forces are able to conduct prompt, sustained, and synchronised operations with combinations of forces tailored to specific situations, and with access to and freedom to operate in all domains - space, sea, land, air and information.
Additionally, given the global nature of our interests and obligations, the United States must maintain its overseas presence forces and the ability to rapidly project power worldwide in order to achieve full spectrum dominance."
The statistics are mind-boggling. The same story occurred before the Two World Wars. What happened then as the natural consequence of that will definitely happen again very soon…there is no hope for disarmament now.
War is obsolete…but only after the final lesson - the survivors will know. Tragically, Mankind must tread the way of Via Negativa.
The PNAC: Project for the New American Century is the primary intellectual foundation and inspiration for the Empire of "Lily Pads".
The authors (who now run things) openly pined for another Pearl Harbor, which then serendipitously happened on 9.11.
Within a few hours/days of the attacks, an orgy of pre-prepared plans, Patriot Acts, Carte Blanche resolutions and military mobilizations were executed.
The orchestration was breathtakingly vehement. The 9/11 production, being the greatest spectacle beyond even Cecile B. DeMille's wildest visions, stunned Americans into stupefaction.
What Satanic zeal, genius and ruthlessness displayed itself to the world! Frankenstein's coming-out party for all to see.
Where dwells the enemy?
Exquisite as well as utterly buffoonish ironies abound every time Bush spouts forth: "we", "terror", "evil", "homeland", "they", "safe", "freedom" "democracy", "enemy" and a host of hackneyed cants.
Watching the propaganda machine promulgating his speeches to groveling elites and nescient, distracted Americans, is a sickening and disorienting experience for persons who are half-conscious of what is really happening.
The Bush/Rove speechwriters display a hubris-drenched pomposity and condescending, hate-spiked simplicity that along with Goebbels' bilious genius will long fascinate future historians.
Since 9/11, the terms "Ground Zero" and "Homeland Security" have been slipped into the American lexicon and taken on sinister connotations.
Amy Kaplan, Homeland Insecurities: Reflections on Language and Space Radical History Review 85, pg. 82-93.
"Freedom" as belched forth from the maws of the Bush puppets is true slavery, the dingy gouache smeared across the Big Lie blinds.
Their liberty is libertinism. Their freedom: the unbridled Capitalism perniciously plundering the planet and its people.
"I call that mind free which protects itself against the usurpations of society, which does not cower to human opinion, which feels itself accountable to a higher tribunal than man's, which respects itself too much to be the slave of the many or the few."
"Evil", the shadowy reality that forever haunts the Human condition has always existed and always will.
It cannot be defeated anymore than the night can be extinguished in its never-ending cycle with daylight.
Only the acceptance and vigilant awareness of our own evil and shadow will dispel the destructive projections and merciless murders against "they and "other".
The vigil light of compassionate awareness dissolves the eruptive violence of the suppressed and long denied Shadow.
Carl Jung said many times that if we can emit a bit of light on our own darkness, it would remove some of the larger darkness from the world.
Contrast the two quotations below from speeches given before the UN just days ago:
Condoleezza Rice said. "This is unacceptable by any moral standard." This said, while Americans bombs have done nothing other than kill millions of civilians and non-combatants for the last 60+ years, even to this hour in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"It is unpractical and unethical to sacrifice the human race by appealing in an insane manner the validity of a socioeconomic model that has a galloping destructive capacity. It would be suicidal to spread it and impose it as an infallible remedy for the evils which are caused precisely by them" President Hugo Chavez said.
"Now is the time to not allow our hands to be idle or our souls to rest until we save humanity."
This said, while Bush America has done nothing but try to kill and destroy Chavez and his revolutionary reforms.
"…hypocrisy is the vice of vices in that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core."