The Fullness of Human Experience by Dane Rudyhar 1895- 1985

“In the immeasurable cycle of the Movement of Wholeness, a moment of supreme experience comes when, at the ever-present "meeting of the ways," the greatest Lord of Darkness challenges the most radiant Presence of Light. From the deepest regions of obscurity, the python of negative emptiness rises to the light, uncoiling its devastating power. And the combat rages.

There can be no end to the crucial embrace, no limits to the battlefield. For, while in his supreme effort the Lord of Darkness finds his vision confused by his hateful desire to annihilate light, in the sublime love of the radiant Presence, even the deepest darkness is always included.

There is no annihilating victory. Light and Darkness are one in an encounter that has neither beginning nor end. For Darkness can never see, and Light never ceases to love. Meaning forever rises out of the ubiquitous battlefield of Space in the eonic experience that is reality — always.”

DANE RUDHYAR 1895 - 1985
The Epilogue: The Fullness of Human Experience 1986 Quest Books

Showing posts with label Dharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dharma. Show all posts

Sunday, December 01, 2013




In the (c 9th - 10th) centuries while Western civilization in Europe collapsed “surrounded by darkness and dense gloom" in the Dark Ages and most of the world outside of Asia, was groaning under barbaric conditions and primitive blood lettings; e.g. the Vatican writhing under the whips of degenerates and prostitutes ad nauseam - later termed the “Pornocracy” and "Rule of the Harlots". Mara's henchmen reigned on jammed one-way circular highways descending to hellish realms...Dante's Inferno.

Meanwhile during the same era, the Buddha Dharma Cultural Matrix
nurtured and generated countless thousands of Enlightened Masters and a vast Sacred Literature.The Himalayan regions and most of Asia flourished, exalting Humanity.

Untold millions were guided to lives of harmony, culture and enlightened activity - and at their deaths - to realms of higher rebirth and Pure Lands. It was during this era that Mahasiddha Padampa Sangye traveled to Tibet from India and left his mark on Humanity. Past 120 years of age and just before his departure from the earth, he delivered his last Teachings as given here, in the remote southern Tibet village called Tingri:

Homage to the teacher!

Fortunate practitioners gathered here in Tingri, listen!
Just as worn-out clothes can never again be made as new,
It's no use seeing a doctor once you're terminally ill;
You'll have to go. We humans living on this earth
Are like streams and rivers flowing toward the ocean -
All living beings are heading for that single destination.
Now, like a small bird flying off from a treetop,
I, too, will not be here much longer; soon I must move on.

If you spend the present meaninglessly and leave with empty hands,
People of Tingri, a human life in the future will be very hard to find.
To apply yourselves with body, speech and mind to the sacred Teachings,
People of Tingri, is the best thing that you can do.
Give your very life, heart and soul to the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, People of Tingri, and their blessings cannot but arise.
Forget your goals for this life - concentrate instead on lives to come.
People of Tingri, that is the highest goal.
Families are as fleeting as a crowd on market day;
People of Tingri, don't bicker or fight.
Wealth and poverty, like a magic show, just seduce and deceive;
People of Tingri, don't let the knot of avarice bind you.
This body's just a bag containing various kinds of filth;
People of Tingri, don't pamper it and spruce it up so.
Family and friends are no more real than a magic show;
People of Tingri, in your fondness for them don't tie yourself down.
Country and land are like a nomad's pastures
People of Tingri, don't cling sentimentally to them.
As parents, all beings in the six realms have cared for you;
People of Tingri, don't relate to them with your ideas of "I" and "mine".
The day you were born,  your death began approaching;
People of Tingri, remember: there is never any time to spare.
Fundamentally there's no delusion, it's an ephemeral occurrence;
People of Tingri, look at the nature of what it produces.
Without distraction apply yourselves to the sacred Dharma;
People of Tingri, after death it will guide you on the path.
The truth of cause and effect ensures that actions yield their full result;
People of Tingri, avoid all actions that are negative and evil.
Leave all your activities behind like a country in a dream;
People of Tingri, just put non-action into practice.
The very thing you feel attached to, let go of it, whatever -
People of Tingri, there isn't anything that you need.
Since you won't be staying in this world forever,
People of Tingri, make your preparations for the journey now.
If you first finish what you have to do,  you'll never get to Dharma;
People of Tingri, while you're thinking about it, practice straight away.
Inside the forest, monkeys may be living happily at ease,
People of Tingri - but at the edges forest fires are closing in all round.